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"Уязвимости в TCP-стеках Linux и FreeBSD, приводящие к удалён..."
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. "Уязвимости в TCP-стеках Linux и FreeBSD, приводящие к удалён..." +/
Сообщение от Ключевский (?), 18-Июн-19, 16:42 
FreeBSD не Unix.
Вот список того что является Unix'ом. Все. Все остальное не Unix

Oracle Corporation: Oracle Solaris 11.4 Operating System and later, on SPARC-based and X86 based platforms
Apple Inc.: macOS version 10.14 Mojave on Intel-based Mac computers
IBM Corporation: AIX version 7, at either 7.1 TL5 (or later) or 7.2 TL2 (or later) on systems using CHRP system architecture with POWER™ processors
Apple Inc.: macOS version 10.13 High Sierra on Intel-based Mac computers
Cemprus LLC: DNCP Series running FTX Release 3  
Hewlett Packard Enterprise: HP-UX 11i V3 Release B.11.31 or later on HP Integrity Servers
Hewlett Packard Enterprise: HP-UX 11i V3 Release B.11.31 or later on HP 9000 Servers with Precision Architecture
Huawei Technology Co., Ltd: Huawei EulerOS 2.0 on Huawei KunLun Mission Critical Server
IBM Corporation: AIX 6 Operating System V6.1.2 with SP1 or later on Systems using CHRP system architecture with POWER™ processors and 2, 8 or 128 port async cards
IBM Corporation: AIX 5L for POWER V5.3 dated 7-2006 or later on Systems using CHRP system architecture with POWER™processors
IBM Corporation: z/OS V2R1 or later with: z/OS V2R1 or later Security Server and z/OS V2R1 or later C/C++ Compiler on IBM zSeries Processors that support z/OS Version 2 Release 1 or later
Oracle Corporation: Oracle Solaris 11 FCS and later on SPARC-based platforms, 32-bit and 64-bit and on X86-based platforms, 32-bit and 64-bit
Oracle Corporation: Solaris 10 Operating System plus patch 118844-06 for X86 and on, on 64-bit X86 based systems
Oracle Corporation: Solaris 10 Operating System and on, on 32-bit and 64-bit SPARC based systems
Oracle Corporation: Solaris 10 Operating System and on, on 32-bit X86 based systems
Oracle Corporation: Solaris 9 12/02 X86 Platform Edition and later on 32-bit X86 based systems
Oracle Corporation: Solaris 9 and on, (SPARC 32 bit and 64 bit Platform Editions)
The SCO Group, Inc.: UnixWare ® 7.1.3 and later for single and multiprocessor systems based on IA-32 and compatible processors and conforming to PC architecture
The SCO Group, Inc.: SCO OpenServer Release 5 and OpenServer Release 6 on Single and Multi-processor Industry Standard Intel architecture platforms

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Уязвимости в TCP-стеках Linux и FreeBSD, приводящие к удалён..., opennews, 18-Июн-19, 00:22  [смотреть все]
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